Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Assemblyman Jerry Green, closeted Anti-Semite in sheep's clothing

  The following letter is being sent to the Anti-Defamation League. Ironically the one name missing from those referenced within the letter is that of New Jersey Assemblyman, Jerry Green- a closeted anti-Semite in sheep's clothing.

You would have to agree with me that the above paragraph is ridiculous and tries to tarnish the reputation of the Assemblyman through the use of guilt by association. But as you can see below that is just what the Assemblyman Jerry Green did to Councilman and New Democrat, Cory Storch, who worked tirelessly in Plainfield's 2nd Ward to insure a big enough turnout to elect the local Democratic candidates, including Congressman Pallone, who did not win his own county, to office.

'The following letter is being sent to the 2010 Republican Candidates for Union Countywide Office. Ironically the one name missing from those referenced within the letter is that of Cory Storch - a closeted Republican in Democratic sheep's clothing...'

Click here for Green's full blog post   

Assemblyman Green seems to have a personal vendetta against Councilman Storch.
Why, because Storch owes him nothing and is an independent thinker? Further, Green keeps on trying to insinuate race into the political mix. You can see that by looking at his other blog post about Storch (see here). He is trying to appeal to the same mindset he is condemning in his current 'Open Letter' blog post.

Me? I think Assemblyman Green has gone off his medications or is losing it or both. Recently, his behavior has become very strange. For example, right after the Nov 2nd election my doorbell rings. I go to answer the door and who is standing there, unannounced, hat in hand, but Assemblyman Jerry Green (“what in the hell,” I briefly thought, “the mountain has come Mohammed “).

His stated purpose was to see if I were interested i going back on the PMUA board (I have a witness). I told him was not interested as it is a thankless task. But if everyone agreed and it was for the benefit of Plainfield, I would do it. That was the gist of our conversation, other than some unintelligible muttering on his part about how powerful he is, how powerful his organization is and how he turned out the votes in Plainfield which is untrue since the biggest turnouts in terms of numbers and percentage came from the 2nd and 3rd wards that were handled by the New-Dems.

Finally, Assemblyman Green, you and your ilk have served your purpose and it is time that you step down from the Democratic party and go 'gentle into that good night.' It's time for younger people to take over the party before the party destroys itself. I am reminded of Rashid Burney and Rebecca Williams, who unlike, you supported and worked for Obama from the beginning and once he won the primary were shunted aside by the regular Democratic hacks, like yourself. It was insulting that to get tickets to the inauguration, Burney had to beg them from you. You who did nothing.


Rebecca Williams said...

I was stunned by Jerry's silly post attacking Cory Storch, a lifelong Democrat. Coincidentally, Jerry's putative candidate for the 2nd Ward council seat, Owen Fletcher, has just started a blog. I guess we'll see Jerry as the attack dog while Owen attempts to keep the high road. Jerry also seems to forget that Sharon Robinson-Briggs was a Republican for a long time, even serving on the Republican county committee during the Clinton years. I am disgusted that the self-important Jerry can't see his way to retiring. And to answer the question that many have asked: No, the mayor, chief executive of the city of Plainfield, has not seen fit to contact or congratulate me as a newly-elected member of the governing body of our city. And, no, my feelings are not hurt--tacky is as tacky does.


Pat Turner Kavanaugh said...

Nat: more fundamentally, why is a State Assemblyman handling nominations to the PMUA?
I guess that answer is obvious to all.

Anonymous said...

Assemblyman Green is as much of an anti-Semite as you are. That means that neither one of you is, although you seem to be willing to play the "race card" at this point. Too bad.

dr. emc2 said...

The Assemblyman and his cronies are an embarrassment to the city of Plainfield. Personal attacks, innuendo, and character defamation is what they do best. Graft and malfeasance are common under the Green Robinson-Briggs administration. The city is in crisis and they are content to besmirch anyone who criticizes their contemptible governance............. it is absolutely distasteful.

Anonymous said...

I don't like Storch either and I'm Jewish. I suppose if Mr. Green attacked either you or Dan Damon or both you'd say he was a closeted homophobe, in fact I'm surprised that hasn't happened yet.

Tacky is as tacky does--and your post is beyond tacky, you will stop at nothing to attack our assemblyman even if it involves slandering him with your false accusations of anti-Semitism.

Nat Singleton said...

Anon 11-26-2010, 6:44 AM:

Silly person, you should reread what I wrote. You obviously did not get it. The second paragraph points out that the statement was ridiculous. The third paragraph was published in Assemblyman Green's blog and tried to incriminate Councilman Storch by using the tactic of ‘guilt by association’.
At no point did Green say the statement he made about Councilman was ridiculous.
I just descended to the level of sleaze occupied by Assemblyman Green and did to him exactly what he did to Councilman Storch. Of course it’s unfair that is the point and if you were in anyway a fair thinking person, you would vent your outrage on Jerry Green.

Nat Singleton said...

Anon 11-26-2010, 5:25 PM;
The only person trying to insinuate the race card is Assemblyman Jerry Green. Read his blog post.

YEP I SAID IT!!! said...

Picture this . . .

Owen Fletcher, candidate for Plainfield's 2nd Ward City Council, knocks on the doors of Plainfield's 2nd Ward while Rashid Burney's former foaming from the mouth rabid pitbull* walks alongside him . . . unleashed.

[*Pitbull because of their strong jaw bone grip when they bite.]

Anonymous said...

Ms. Williams,

Your post was tacky and not what I expected from you when I voted for you. I hope your tenure in office will be on of true integrity and not the snarky nonsense that has become the norm in our city politics. Please rise above the noise and try to do positive things for the people who put you in office. FOR ALL PLAINFIELD RESIDENTS.

YEP I SAID IT!!! said...

Dear Anonymous 9:10PM-

I too voted for Ms. Williams and I too read and re-read her blog comment . . . and . . . I can't see anything "tacky" regarding her comment. And, I sincerely appreciated Ms. Williams conducting her campaign in a separate headquarters -away from slimey Jerry Green. When JG and his cronies are out of Plainfield politics -then I believe most of the corruption will be gone and Plainfield will be able to move forward.

Fasten your seatbelts Plainfielders because we are about to experience real change within the Plainfield council with the addition of Ms. Williams.

By the way .. . why do I sense this is Owen Fletcher himself hiding behind Anonymous December 1, 2010 9:10PM? H m m m m . . .

Yep I Said It!!!

Unknown said...

Funny how the Anonymous comments are the least thoughtful mud wrestlers. Put your names on your comments. Be adults. Please.

Wil Gipp

Anonymous said...

".....New Democrat, Cory Storch, who worked tirelessly in Plainfield's 2nd Ward to insure a big enough turnout"

Ha Ha Ha! That is funny!

any Plfd, taxpayer said...

Lots of stuff here on Assemblyman Green but all one has to do is read his Guest Commentary in the Courier News concerning the prior editorial by Rasheed Addul-Haqq. There were so many first person references posted by Green I barely kept from vommitting while reading it. Again, Assemblyman Green brings race into the argument in an effort to distract readers from who Mr. Green is. No one can say for sure who a racist is, as that is in a man's heart and soul but Mr. Green plays the part well.Plainfield and Union County needs to be rid of this self-appointed political boss. As Green said: "Wake up Plainfield". Indeed!