Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Assemblyman Jerry Green, closeted Anti-Semite in sheep's clothing

  The following letter is being sent to the Anti-Defamation League. Ironically the one name missing from those referenced within the letter is that of New Jersey Assemblyman, Jerry Green- a closeted anti-Semite in sheep's clothing.

You would have to agree with me that the above paragraph is ridiculous and tries to tarnish the reputation of the Assemblyman through the use of guilt by association. But as you can see below that is just what the Assemblyman Jerry Green did to Councilman and New Democrat, Cory Storch, who worked tirelessly in Plainfield's 2nd Ward to insure a big enough turnout to elect the local Democratic candidates, including Congressman Pallone, who did not win his own county, to office.

'The following letter is being sent to the 2010 Republican Candidates for Union Countywide Office. Ironically the one name missing from those referenced within the letter is that of Cory Storch - a closeted Republican in Democratic sheep's clothing...'

Click here for Green's full blog post   

Assemblyman Green seems to have a personal vendetta against Councilman Storch.
Why, because Storch owes him nothing and is an independent thinker? Further, Green keeps on trying to insinuate race into the political mix. You can see that by looking at his other blog post about Storch (see here). He is trying to appeal to the same mindset he is condemning in his current 'Open Letter' blog post.

Me? I think Assemblyman Green has gone off his medications or is losing it or both. Recently, his behavior has become very strange. For example, right after the Nov 2nd election my doorbell rings. I go to answer the door and who is standing there, unannounced, hat in hand, but Assemblyman Jerry Green (“what in the hell,” I briefly thought, “the mountain has come Mohammed “).

His stated purpose was to see if I were interested i going back on the PMUA board (I have a witness). I told him was not interested as it is a thankless task. But if everyone agreed and it was for the benefit of Plainfield, I would do it. That was the gist of our conversation, other than some unintelligible muttering on his part about how powerful he is, how powerful his organization is and how he turned out the votes in Plainfield which is untrue since the biggest turnouts in terms of numbers and percentage came from the 2nd and 3rd wards that were handled by the New-Dems.

Finally, Assemblyman Green, you and your ilk have served your purpose and it is time that you step down from the Democratic party and go 'gentle into that good night.' It's time for younger people to take over the party before the party destroys itself. I am reminded of Rashid Burney and Rebecca Williams, who unlike, you supported and worked for Obama from the beginning and once he won the primary were shunted aside by the regular Democratic hacks, like yourself. It was insulting that to get tickets to the inauguration, Burney had to beg them from you. You who did nothing.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Frank Rich on 'the Grand Plot Against the Tea Party'

Today I am not worthy and bow  to New Times columnist, Frank Rich. He says what I want say about the Tea Party movement better than any words that I could write. I have excerpted parts of his Sunday New Times Op/ Ed. article. The complete article may be found here.


The Grand Old Plot Against the Tea Party

Published: October 30, 2010

ONE dirty little secret of the 2010 election is that it won’t be a political tragedy for Democrats if a Tea Party icon like Sharron Angle or Joe Miller ends up in the United States Senate. Angle, now synonymous with racist ads sliming Hispanics, and Miller, already on record threatening a government shutdown, are fired up and ready to go as symbols of G.O.P. extremism for 2012 and beyond.

What’s not so secret is that some Republicans will be just as happy if some of these characters lose, and for the same reason.
But whatever Tuesday’s results, this much is certain: The Tea Party’s hopes for actually effecting change in Washington will start being dashed the morning after. The ordinary Americans in this movement lack the numbers and financial clout to muscle their way into the back rooms of Republican power no matter how well their candidates perform.
Trent Lott, the former Senate leader and current top-dog lobbyist, gave away the game in July. “We don’t need a lot of Jim DeMint disciples,” he said, referring to the South Carolina senator who is the Tea Party’s Capitol Hill patron saint. “As soon as they get here, we need to co-opt them.” It’s the players who wrote the checks for the G.O.P. surge, not those earnest folk in tri-corner hats, who plan to run the table in the next corporate takeover of Washington. Though Tom DeLay may now be on trial for corruption in Texas, the spirit of his K Street lives on in a Lott client listthat includes Northrop Grumman and Goldman Sachs.
Karl Rove outed the Republican elites’ contempt for Tea Partiers in the campaign’s final stretch. Much as Barack Obama thought he was safe soliloquizing about angry white Middle Americans clinging to “guns or religion” at a San Francisco fund-raiser in 2008, so Rove now parades his disdain for the same constituency when speaking to the European press. This month he told Der Spiegel that Tea Partiers are “not sophisticated,” ...
Mike Huckabee, still steamed about Rove’s previous put-down of Christine O’Donnell, publicly lamented the Republican establishment’s “elitism” and “country club attitude.” This country club elite, he said, is happy for Tea Partiers to put up signs, work the phones and make “those pesky little trips” door-to-door that it finds a frightful inconvenience. But the members won’t let the hoi polloi dine with them in the club’s “main dining room” — any more than David H. Koch, the billionaire sugar daddy of the Republican right, will invite O’Donnell into his box at the David H. Koch Theater at Lincoln Center to take in “The Nutcracker.”
The main dining room remains reserved for Koch’s fellow oil barons, Lott’s clients, the corporate contributors (known and anonymous) to groups like Rove’s American Crossroads, and, of course, the large coterie of special interests underwriting John Boehner, the presumptive next speaker of the House. Boehner is the largest House recipient of Wall Street money this year — much of it from financial institutions bailed out by TARP.
His Senate counterpart, Mitch McConnell, will be certain to stop any Tea Party hillbillies from disrupting his chapter of the club (as he tried to stop Rand Paul in his own state’s G.O.P. primary). McConnell’s pets in his chamber’s freshman G.O.P. class will instead be old-school conservatives like Dan Coats (of Indiana), Rob Portman (of Ohio) and, if he squeaks in, Pat Toomey (of Pennsylvania). ...
What the Tea Party ostensibly wants most — less government spending and smaller federal deficits — is not remotely happening on the country club G.O.P.’s watch. The elites have no serious plans to cut anything except taxes and regulation of their favored industries. ... T
... McConnell has explained his only real priority for the new Congress with admirable candor. “The single most important thing we want to achieve,”he said, “is for President Obama to be a one-term president.” Any assault on Social Security would defeat that goal, and a serious shake-up of the Pentagon budget would alienate the neoconservative ideologues and military contractors who are far more important to the G.O.P. establishment than the “don’t tread on me” crowd.
... What made the Tea Party most useful was that its loud populist message gave the G.O.P. just the cover it needed both to camouflage its corporate patrons and to rebrand itself as a party miraculously antithetical to the despised G.O.P. that gave us George W. Bush and record deficits only yesterday.
Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News and Wall Street Journal have been arduous in promoting and inflating Tea Party events and celebrities to this propagandistic end. ... Typical of this smokescreen is a new book titled “Mad as Hell,” published this fall by a Murdoch imprint. In it, the pollsters Scott Rasmussen and Douglas Schoen make the case, as they recently put it in Politico, that the Tea Party is “the most powerful and potent force in America.”
They are expert at producing poll numbers to bear that out. By counting those with friends and family in the movement, Rasmussen has calculated that 29 percent of Americans are “tied to” the Tea Party. (If you factor in six degrees of Kevin Bacon, the number would surely double.) But cooler empirical data reveal the truth known by the G.O.P. establishment: An August CNN poll found that 2 percent of Americans consider themselves active members of the Tea Party.
That result was confirmed last weekend by The Washington Post, which published the fruits of its months-long effort to contact every Tea Party group in the country. To this end, it enlisted the help of Tea Party Patriots, the only Tea Party umbrella group that actually can claim to be a spontaneous, bottom-up, grass roots organization rather than a front for the same old fat cats of the Republican right, from the Koch brothers to Dick Armey’s FreedomWorks. Tea Party Patriots has claimed anywhere from 2,300 to nearly 3,000 local affiliates, but even with its assistance, The Post could verify a total of only 647 Tea Party groups nationwide. Most had fewer than 50 members. The median amount of money each group had raised in 2010 was $800, nowhere near the entry fee for the country club.
But those Americans, like all the others on the short end of the 2008 crash, have reason to be mad as hell. And their numbers will surely grow once the Republican establishment’s panacea of tax cuts proves as ineffectual at creating jobs, saving homes and cutting deficits as the half-measures of the Obama White House and the Democratic Congress. The tempest, however, will not be contained within the tiny Tea Party but will instead overrun the Republican Party itself, where Palin, with Murdoch and Beck at her back, waits in the wings to “take back America” not just from Obama but from the G.O.P. country club elites now mocking her. By then — after another two years of political gridlock and economic sclerosis — the equally disillusioned right and left may have a showdown that makes this election year look as benign as Woodstock."

Thursday, October 14, 2010

N-WORD taught in West Orange, NJ, Middle School

Anyone who knows me, whether you like me or not, knows that I am seldom at a loss for words but last week I was left speechless, gasping for air, when I was told the following story by a good friend of mine.

It seems that a teacher in a West Orange, NJ, middle school decided to teach the N-WORD to their class of gifted and talented students, five of whom are ‘children of color.’  Apparently the teacher started by exposing them to Agatha Christie’s mystery novel, Ten Little Niggers and then proceeded to have them sing the following song over the objection of one of the 'children of color:'

Ten Little Niggers (see here)

Ten little nigger boys went out to dine;
One choked his little self and then there were Nine.
Nine little nigger boys sat up very late;
One overslept himself and then there were Eight.
Eight little nigger boys travelling in Devon;
One said he'd stay there and then there were Seven.
Seven little nigger boys chopping up sticks;
One chopped himself in halves and then there were Six.
Six little nigger boys playing with a hive;
A bumble bee stung one and then there were Five.
Five little nigger boys going in for law;
One got into Chancery and then there were Four.
Four little nigger boys going out to sea;
A red herring swallowed one and then there were Three.
Three little nigger boys walking in the Zoo;
A big bear hugged one and then there were Two.
Two little nigger boys sitting in the sun;
One got frizzled up and then there was One.
One little nigger boy left all alone;
He went out and hanged himself and then there were None.

How this came light was that the kid who objected told their parents and their parents contacted the principal and the NAACP. The NAACP has filed a complaint with the school system and they are supposed to work out a resolution on Friday, 10/15/2010.

What I find shocking is that it's 2010, not 1910. What in the teacher's mind could make them think that this was okay? What possible reason could be used to justify them singing that song? And you can imagine walking down the hallway of the school and hearing that song wafting out of the classroom. What's the next lesson for the children 'How to make a Noose, and its Practical Uses?'

My hope is that the NAACP and the West Orange School District come to a satisfactory resolution. My further hope is that I have gotten it all wrong (I don't think so) and someone was playing an elaborate practical joke on me.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Assemblyman Jerry Green: Bride of Frankenstein?

A rainy Friday afternoon, 4:00 O'clock and the stock market just closed ( yes, trading stocks is my passion). TJ, the dog, is passed out, as usual, on the chair, snoring and I'm nodding off with nothing to do. 

Hmm, did anyone get off their tush and post a comment on my blog. As luck would have it, I got one comment, from Old Doc and reading it was as if I ate a Madeleine:

olddoc said...
Nat, although you are "spot on" about the vendors and "Shot Spotting" I have to thank you for the link to "Baseball". This routine is one of the top 10 of all comic routines and it was great to see it again.”

How the mind works, how it links disparate thoughts and ideas is beyond me -maybe someday a chat with Dr. Oliver Sachs could lead to an answer. But there it was. Complete in my mind: Assemblyman Jerry Green, there at the birth of 'the Bride of Frankenstein.' I couldn't get the scene out of my head; the parallels were amazing. Jerry Green, Frankenstein, Bride...on my. What to do? Of course, let my readers, particularly my Plainfield readers -who know all the characters, in on the fun. So, readers get off your tushes and light your torches. Here is the scene from the movie. Let me know what parallels you see -hint it's not about his wife. For those non-Plainfielders, watch it anyway, the scene is a classic. Plainfielders, don't miss that Jerry-like entrance on the staircase

Note:  If you see a word in blue, it's link. Click on it.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

ShotSpotter: My Comments, Green fails at verbal Gundown of Storch

Councilman Storch, I think your analysis of the issues surrounding the Shotspotter (see here) proposal was spot on. 

Now I have one quibble with the administration and the council and that is that the devil is in the details. I have been in technology for over 40 years and have seen many systems go down the tubes and it happens for several reasons:

  1. The vendor over promises and under-delivers.
  2. The people making the decision don't have the technical expertise.
  3. The vendor provides only anecdotal evidence and no verifiable hard scientific facts to verify the performance claims of their solution.
  4. Positive references provided by the vendor were paid for.
  5. Lack of customer expertise to administer the system after the vendor leaves.
  6. Lack of buy-in from the people using the system, even if they have the expertise.
  7. Lack of buy-in from the stakeholders. In this case the community that is to be the supposed beneficiary of the solution..
  8. Lack of written and monitoring of performance guarantees from the people charted with administering the system. Example, can you guarantee the arrival of a Police car within 3 minutes of the shots being fired?
Now even if you get all of these things done, it just gets you to the point of having a functional system.

The next phase should be a go/no-go pilot to verify that the solution can actually meet the promised deliverables (in this case a reduction in crime the justifies the cost of the project). If it's a go, there should be a phased implementation. If it's a no-go, can adjustments be made to improve the pilot?
If yes, implement the improvements, restart the pilot and go through the cycle again. If no, close the project down and get your money back. Better still hold the monies in an escrow account and if no-go take your money out and close the account. If a go, pay them in stages with the final payment going to them six months after the successful completion of the project.
YouTube - Videos from this email

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Assemblyman Jerry Green meet Stanley Kowalski

As you can see for the picture (hmmm, what do Jerry Green and Stanley Kowalski have in common?) I was going to talk about the domesticity of Assemblyman Jerry Green and his debating tactics (logical fallacies -click here) he typically uses against his enemies and former friends. But why waste words when the picture incorporates a thousand of them.

The problem I'm having is with the Jerry Greens of the world is they are Edsels, bad objects assembled by party committees, put out for public consumption and delivered stillborn at our doorsteps to be tossed away on the garbage pile of 'it could have been done a whole lot better.' And, yet, ours is still here: still ticking, walking among us, anodes on the neck, Edsel gestated through the womb of Mary Shelly. Our village needs to rise up and drive the creature out. The question is. why haven't we?

Well, Pogo! Look in the mirror. The enemy is us.

They may have air dropped the Assemblyman in, given him 30 pieces of silver and put him to work. But we allowed him to push our town down the Via Dolorosa and now he and his cohorts are hammering in the nails. They hope that It just a matter time before they raise the cross in victory.

What is to be done (I hate that phrase)? What is to be done? Beats the hell out of me.
Just how do you get people out to vote? Make it mandatory with fines? Allow people to vote online? Let them vote at work? Anybody got any ideas? I'm always surprised when I hear people complain about the city. And then you ask them if they voted and if they voted in the primary and the answer is NO. Well then. shut up.

This Friday, 09/17/2010, Assemblyman Jerry Green has called a meeting of the Democratic City Committee. The purpose of which I suspect is to ensure that there is a large Democrat voter turnout in Plainfield because Pallone is in trouble and may lose his House seat. Can anyone tell me what Pallone has done for Plainfield? Where was he when the hospital closed? Had he, Jerry and the mayor chained themselves to the Muhlenberg hospital gates, there would be no question that they could get a massive turnout in Plainfield for November. However. at this point Assemblyman Green can't turn out crap. Even if he ate a case of prunes.

Anyhow, anyone who attends that meeting needs to ask the Assemblyman what's in it for the City of Plainfield. If the answers make sense then maybe, just maybe we, should turn out in November. Otherwise to paraphrase Ruth Brown's song 'I m not going to give it away. I'll just sit on it.'   (click here for video)   

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

South Park's Eric Cartman advises Governor Christie on the $400,000,000 misunderstanding

Gov. Chris Christie and South Park's Eric Cartman (click here) have a least a few things in common: they're fat, Republican and out of control. However, Eric Cartman seems to have one talent sadly lacking in the Governor of New Jersey.

When in trouble Cartman knows how to finesse his way out by taking things to the next level. Christie's handling of this $400,000,000 school funding 'Race to the Top' misunderstanding is a perfect example of taking the low road: blame Obama, fire Schundler .

Christie, dude, you went belly-up on almost half billion! What were your advisers doing to salvage the Situation (come to think of it he could have given you better advice from the Jersey Shore, click here.) New Jersey needs all the help it can get. A few advisers should have walked the plank.

But I'm digressing too much. I did what your advisers should have done. I called Cartman in South Park, interrupted his back to school shopping -he's in the fifth grade and begged him for advice. Here is what he said:

Ha, ha, ha , ha, ha, ha, ha. Oh, oh let me stop laughing. This too much. Let me see,...yes,yes. They forgot to include....ha, ha, ha. OK, OK I've got it! Stay with me on this. Here's what I think.

Unlike me the Governor has not made an effort to keep himself informed and has not read the State Ranking of Per Capita Spending, Per-Capita Tax Burden on the Federal Dollar: Fiscal 2005 (click here.) Had he read it he would have been outraged.... and it's only one page long with 3 columns of information with each state being ranked by state in that column. To simplify matters, lets compare 2 states on the document, Alaska and New Jersey -a 'red state' and a 'blue state.'

Column-1: Ranking by Per Capita Total Spending -how much the federal government returns to the state per individual. Alaska is ranked number 1, receiving $13,788. New Jersey is ranked number 35, receiving $6,771.

Column-2: Ranking by Per Capita Tax Burden -how much each state sends to the federal government per individual. Alaska is ranked number number 17, sending $7,215. New Jersey is ranked number 2, sending $9,947.

Now it gets worse.

Column-3: Ranking by Return on Federal Tax Dollar -for every dollar the state gives the federal government, how much is given back. Alaska is ranked number 4, receiving $1.83 for every dollar sent.
New Jersey is ranked number 50, receiving 65 cents for every dollar sent.

Lets put that into numbers we can all understand. Alaska sent $4.8 billion to federal government and received back $9.2 billion. That's $4.4 billion more than it sent. New Jersey sent $86.5 billion and received back $58.9 billion. That's $27.6 billion less than it sent. Does anyone see a problem? I sure do. A billion here, a billion there; soon your talking about a lot of money.

Alaska is being flooded with money while New Jersey is being bled dry. No wonder they can afford bridges to nowhere. The Governor should be apoplectic, 'my state gives you $27 billion dollars more than it receives every year and you're hassling me over $400 million? Well you know what you can do with your $400 million?

OK, OK here's what he really needs to do to salvage the situation and maintain his Presidential ambitions.

  1. Call a meeting to include the Assembly, the Upper house, the Congressional Representatives and the press.

  2. Hold up that state ranking document like it was Senator McCarthy holding up a list of Communist conspirators .

  3. Announce that he going to organize a States Rights Tax Fairness Group to lobby for a more equitable distribution of the tax dollar i.e. New Jersey has more then enough money to solve its state tax problems; it just that the Federal Government refuses to give us our fair share.

  4. As a backup plan. If all else fails and he still wants to be considered as a potential Presidential candidate, he can become a contestant on the Biggest Loser. “

I just want to thank Eric Cartman for his advice and I hope that Governor Christie will Find it useful.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Comments about my August 30 post.

Keep the comments coming, folks. If you haven't read them here they are from 8/30/2010 post with  replies:


Anonymous said...
Good luck crawling through the weeds here in Plainfield.

Anonymous said...
Like Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck and Dan Damon, it appears you are fueled by hate. Yup, yet another "fair and balanced" blog in Plainfield.

Anonymous said...
Oh so coooool man. Another blog blaming Jerry Green. Just want we need - more mud and more blame.

Jeff said...
Looking forward to your posts.

Anonymous said...
Good luck. We need a blog that won't sugar-coat the state of this once-burgeoning city. I hope you'll focus on more than Jerry Green - there are many people in this city who continue to enable him and keep him in office.

Nat said...
TO Anonymous 11:53 AM: you are a perfect example of a dumbed down American. Give me a factual example of where I'm fueled by hate. Otherwise, get your head out of Jerry's.....Oh I dare not say it but you can figure it out. PS: you might want to take a reading comprehension test.

Nat said...
To Anonymous 12:47 PM: Actually, I don't blame Jerry Green for doing what he is doing and getting away with what he is getting away with, if anything. He is just a proxy for the people who elected him and financed his election. In a democracy it is the electorate who are ultimately responsible for the caliber of the people they put into office. I view my job as getting them to think and by thinking then they can do a lot better then Jerry Green. Note: It was Jerry's unsubstantiated comments that inspired me to start this blog.

Nat Singleton said...
Thanks Jeff

chris said...
Yawn...another whining blog.

Anonymous said...
A vegan, never! I belong to PETA . . . People Eating Tasty Animals. I never argue religion because I am right, and if you don't agree with my assessment, you are wrong! I keep my eye on everyone in the public eye and tend to pay close attention to the ones with whom I disagree, but then I realize that it is the person I trust, love and admire, who can get close enough to me, to do the most damage! Andrew Jackson and the way he treated the People, and others of his ilk, turned me away from the Democrats . . . and Lincoln, Douglas and Rev. King drew me to the Republicans . . . they are , in my eyes, both way of track now! And so I find myself an Independant with Libertarian leanings! I will be keeping an eye on you . . . Good Luck!

Yep I Said It! said...
Your most committed readers will be Jerry Green and his mini-mes . . . Whether they know it or not -that makes them your biggest fans. Congratulations and Welcome!

Anonymous said...
Your style appears to be more like the Fox News with a promise to present the facts. But in fact the only "facts" supporting your those that support your own view. And you appear to have blended in the Glen Beck style also: create worry supported with ambigious, unrelated events. Then again, much of that is a repeat of Dan Damon and he is fueled with anger and bitterness.

Anonymous said...
Well one whole day and nothing got your dander up . . . Things is quiet in Plainfield! Maybe JG is taking a nap. He is affectionately known in my end of town as JerrrrrrrrrGoffff, because of the way he wastes our time and money! There are a few things about him and his buddy buddies that will be coming out in the wash very soon, and they don't even know it . . . because they are so intelligent!

Nat Singleton said...
Anonymous 9:38 AM: Are you slow or just stupid. Aside from totally lacking a sense of humor, you ineptly regurgitate what I said about Fox news and being 'Fair and Balanced.' Sarcasm ain't your strong point. If you have any 'facts' to counter my facts and opinions state them and I will rebut them, that way the reading pubic can judge for themselves. Jerry's got a problem if you are symptomatic of the people supporting him. Here is a tissue to wipe away the brain material drooling out of your nose.