Sunday, April 10, 2011

Deconstructing: Rucker Supporter Anonymous Comment

This comment was made in response to my blog post of 4/8/11: Tony Rucker Anointed by His Holiness, Assemblyman Green, to run in Primary.’
‘Nat, you're implying assumptions that have no basis. Yes, let's stick to the issues, so we can do something about them, instead of just talking about them. It's not just the Sharon & Jerry show that must close down, but the Jerry-New Dem Show too. We're choking on the reruns and it's rude of you force us to keep watching. Turn the channel.
April 9, 2011 3:58 PM’
Deconstructing it:
Nat, you're implying assumptions…’
What assumptions?  He genuflected? He kissed the Pope’s Ring?  These are all metaphors; you know, poetic license.
‘…that have no basis…
Don’t you mean: that have no basis in fact…?
Fact: Jerry announced that Tony Rucker was his candidate.  Jerry allowed no nominees from the floor, no discussion and no vote by the City Committee. Tony Rucker by his acceptance of Jerry’s nomination implicitly agrees with the totally undemocratic process of his selection. If he does not he should say so.
Yes, let's stick to the issues, so we can do something about them, instead of just talking about them.
Jerry Green is issue number 1. What planet are you on, Mars?  He has presided over the dissolution of Muhlenberg Hospital, provided the key vote that ended Abbot District funding and gave Plainfield Mayor Sharon Robinson-Briggs, whose biggest accomplishment was to fire a pregnant woman, effective Christmas day, do to give birth on January 2nd.  This from the 3rd most powerful man in the state!
Did you read all of my post? It has a list of other issues that I asked for a response. So far all I’ve heard is silence. I assume that when Tony Rucker gets the time he will respond, clearly stating the issueand how to solve them.
'It's not just the Sharon & Jerry show that must close down, but the Jerry-New Dem Show too.'
Tony Rucker is Sharon and Jerry’s candidate. He is a player in their show; a potential ‘fourth’ vote in Jerry’s pocket. If not, if he is so independent, why didn’t he run on a separate Independent line. He can’t have it both ways.
‘…but the Jerry-New Dem Show too.
Politics is theater; it is an exercise in free speech. You know, the 1st Amendment to the Constitution? You want to shut it down?
So far the only Tony Rucker I’ve seen, is one who is Fact-Free and Solution-Free and comes from the ‘Why can’t we all just get along school of politics.
'We're choking on the reruns and it's rude of you force us to keep watching. Turn the channel.'
Nobody is forcing you to watch anything. You have hands; a remote control. Turn it off, yourself.
What’s next, you want me to wi…-no I’m not going to say it.


Anonymous said...


While I appreciate your ability to parse sentences and cut them (those, like me, who are not as well versed in linguistics, sentence structure, and overall grammar/punctuation) down at the knees, you have not addressed the comment's main theme - you are attributing all that is negative about the Mayor and Green to Tony, without any evidence or proof. All supposition. You, like many of those that follow the process, are well aware that Green has for a long time declared the line's candidate by fiat. Yet, somehow you are surprises and taken aback that it has happened yet again. Also, you are asking Rucker to address and state his position on problems and issues which arose and transpired long before he ever announced his candidacy. It is like the Republicans blaming Obama for the fiscal crisis. Let's be fair.

Nat Singleton said...

Anon 4:13
I'm a little confused. What is your comment's main theme? The only thing that I am attributing to Tony is that he is Jerry Green's hand picked candidate. If that is not true either you or Tony or Jerry can say why. But facts are facts and there was a room full of people who can attest to the events.

Dwayne said...

I'm confused - and I have to look at the history, but when Cory ran on the line last election, I assume you wrote the same thing?

See story here written by Dan Damon...

Just want to be sure...

Anonymous said...

I take it you are not a fan of collaborating with others towards shared goals? Some of us are. One of my favorite lines from Obama's SOTU speech is "What comes of this moment will be determined not by whether we can sit together tonight, but whether we can work together tomorrow." If the worst thing you can say about Rucker is he wants to work with others to move our city forward, he's got my vote.

Nat Singleton said...

Dwayne, you are a little confused or misinformed. I was not writing a blog at that time nor was I involved in politics until the primary for Annie McWilliams in 2008.

However, just as Tony Rucker should explain the circumstances that caused him to get the nomination, Cory Storch should do the same.

Thanks for putting your name on the post.

And remember my advice to Tony about Jerry: when near Jerry, stay away from buses and don't, no not ever, drink Kool-Aid made by Jerry.

Nat Singleton said...

Anon 4-10-11, 11:03 PM:

I think your inexperience is showing, all of us have tried to work with Jerry and Sharon. They act the way Republicans are acting toward President Obama: ‘do it my way or the highway.’

Paul Krugman, in today’s New York Times, has a great OP ED article on how successful the President has been, ‘The President is Missing.‘ Read it. While I like the President, I feel that he has been poorly advised. And if Tony were to go down that same road of collaboration, we could one day read a blog article entitled, ‘Tony Rucker is Missing.’

PS: Did you click on the Rodney King image? The video shows the end results of trying to work with Jerry and Sharon.

True American Patriot said...

C'mon Nat, you are afterall in Shamefield, NJ . . . the Quean City!

Anonymous said...

I guess it was okay when Assemblyman Green "anointed" Cory Storch for the 2nd ward council seat four years ago.
And it's totally false to say the Assemblyman "presided" over the dissolution of Muhlenberg--it was the Muhlenberg board of trustees that allowed Solaris to close it.